EVERYBODY KNOWS, my satirical, Southern-fried novel from JackLeg Press, is out in the world, signed copies available at Memphis’s Burke’s Book Store and Novel. Order it anywhere, including Bookshop.org, where your purchase supports local shops. Yes, there’s a Kindle edition, too.

Here’s an excerpt:

The boy sat lounging in the middle of the county road, half on his back and resting on one elbow. He was a rough-hewn son of Southern privilege in idle defiance. He was that dangerous — ten years old and wouldn’t have budged for an oncoming car if God was behind the wheel. He was stout for ten but sounded half again as old. Already he could drive a tractor and shoot a rifle and carry three twelve-year-old tacklers across a goal line. The one time he’d gulped his father’s whiskey hadn’t gone so well, but he was devising a scheme by which he would try sipping the stuff.

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Everybody Knows: an excerpt

He tried the crank radio, a pirate station out of Memphis. Static and guitar scratch, the straggling notes of a song about home. The DJ came on and said, “We got reports of flooding from Paris and Brownsville, from Bunk and Christfallen. They say Nashville’s been swallowed up whole, drunk down, poor dear. Governor Flattery, he made it out, but
only just. Said to be ensconced on the steamer Clementine, headed west here to Memphis Town, for to establish a new capitol, high up on our bluff. Well, well. Come on if you’re coming, Guv.”

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